Saturday, May 12, 8:30am

Quincy Recreation Department, 1 Merrymount Parkway

Join us to kick off Bay State Bike Week with our annual ride along Hancock and Washington Streets — the Spine of Quincy’s Bike Network Plan.  We will be escorted by Quincy’s finest Community Police officers and celebrate the end of the ride with refreshments and a free raffle of items donated by local bike shops Anderson Bicycle and Landry’s Bicycles.

Come show Quincy that you ride here and want safer streets. Please register here with Bay State Bike Week.

Quincycles rides are open to members and non-members. Bicycling involves certain inherent risks.  Your participation in a Quincycles ride constitutes your agreement to this Acknowledgement, Waiver and Release. Please review our Ride Guidelines before the ride and check our Facebook page for weather related updates

Quincycles is a nonprofit advocating for inclusive, safe, and accessible bicycling in Quincy through education, events, and infrastructure support.

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