If you are new to riding a bike or just a little out of practice, please join us! The skills we practice in this class can help improve your safety and comfort while riding your bike.

Quincycles and the Mayor’s Bicycle Commission are offering this class to adults and mature teens ages 16+ who want to improve their bike handling skills with guided practice and techniques. Participants will build the confidence that comes with knowing how to stay in control of your bike, communicate with others, and anticipate hazards. Material to be covered includes mounting and dismounting, shifting, scanning, signaling, avoiding hazards, and tips to keep you safe on the road.

Classes are for ages 16+ and will be led by a League of American Bicyclists Certified Instructor.

Due to Covid-19 we will adhere to all CDC and Massachusetts Public Health Phase 3, Stage 1 guidelines

For more details and registration please visit our Eventbrite page.

Quincycles is a nonprofit advocating for inclusive, safe, and accessible bicycling in Quincy through education, events, and infrastructure support.

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